One piece to capture all 31 prompts.  For each prompt, there is a little description, like a snippet taken from a larger story.
Final Piece.
The End
0: Setting the Stage. 
Base for the piece. 
1: Crystal
"Upon inspection, it was clearly a very big crystal."​​​​​​​
2: Suit
"Alright Beatrice, there were no unknown species in that Roadhouse. Three headed dog you saw was not a Cerberus. It was just a customer prematurely dressed up for Halloween. 

On a more personal note Beatrice, due to your classification as a prey species, you gonna go in town, you go to Bloomingdales, you find yourself some nice cameo gear. Get yourself some glasses. Cuz uh oh, looks like your eyes need a tune up."

3: Vessel
"Moonshine: your great grandma's Advil"

4: Knot
"The Roadhouse had its stories but no one knew where its mouth was."

5: Raven
"Evermore, ugh, more like Nevermore."

6: Spirit
She's an old college friend. I'm meeting her here."

7: Fan
"...when the squirrels hit the fan..."
8: Watch
"Smokey wasn't a big gambler but it was 11:15 and he was feeling lucky."

9: Pressure
"... and then I told Lenny, don't call me Carl."
10: Pick
"Johnny loves shiny things almost as much as he loves drunk idiots."

11: Sour
"Sometimes I think that life should be easy-peasy lemon squeezy, but instead it's just difficult, difficult, lemon-difficult. 

12: Stuck
"Headless loved his new ride but the helmet was another matter."

13. Roof
"Matilda loves the playfulness of the local birdbath but her heart lies with the Roadhouse."

14. Tick
"Oh yeah, that's where I put that."

15 Helmet
"Bless this mess, my ass." thought Gerald as he cleaned up his third ink spill that night."

16. Compass
"Tom, Dick and Harry couldn't make heads or tails of these directions to the Roadhouse."

17. Collide
"They just couldn't agree on what was more formal, pants or shirts."

18. Moon
"Looks like it'll be another trip to the eye doctor," thought Titan. I just can't catch a break."

19. Loop
"His grin grew widest at the sight of bread."

20. Sprout
"Harold hoped the loose change in his pocket was still there. He could really use a pint after this rude awakening."

21. Fuzzy
"Too bad we aren't telepathic," they all thought, having entered the game with absolutely no idea how they'd decide which cards to play, and it was proving to be a huge mistake. 

22. Open
"The Knotty Wood Roadhouse was a very open place, even the doors swung both ways."

23. Leak
"I said a drip drop, the drippie, the drippie
to the drip, drip-drop and you don't stop the rockin to the 
bang-bang dropie
to the rhythm of the dropie,
the treat" sang Bartholomew to himself as he tasted that sweet sweet free ale.
24. Extinct
"Dodo. Dodo. Dodo. No one ever remembers Great Auk."

25. Splat
"A splattering of splats hung around the whole place, like little throphies to all the good times."

26. Connect
"Six hours later and the tension was palpable. Neither cousin was a graceful winner and The Roadhouse hoped it wouldn't have to throw them out again."

27. Spark
"When you all wear the same outfit to the summoning."
28. Crispy
"Ava knew nothing in life tasted sweeter than a deep fried meal."
29. Patch
"The Kool-Aid Man had no problem using the front door. It was the Gingerbread Boy the Roadhouse had to look out for.

30. Slither
"Crooked Cassidy was her outlaw name, but she always felt safe slithering back into the friendly familiarity of the Roadhouse. "The service was terrible but at least it was consistent," she thought as she waited for the bartender to finish his own drink first. 
31. Risk
"Sure. It could all come shattering down but the idea of making two trips repulsed Fritz to his core." 

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